About the class
Tired of unorganized photos and digging through folders to find them?
In this hands-on 3-week class, you will be introduced to the basic workflow of importing, cataloging and organizing your images in Adobe Lightroom® .
The class focuses on the Library Module– your first step to a complete photo management program.
You will learn the most efficient way to:
• Structure your photographs into a file or folder management system and set this up on your computer
• Import images from your camera, hard drive, memory card reader, or other storage device
• Understand the best settings on import
• Rename images and folders
• Add information, select and preview
• Make your way around the Library interface – including previewing, selecting, and creating Collections
• How to organize an efficient workflow and begin the editing process
• Add metadata to keep your files safe online
The possibilities are endless using Lightroom® but this is the starting point to organizing and protecting your work and creating a system for retrieving your best images.
Example Curriculum
- Intro and Welcome! (4:04)
- Your SD Card (5:09)
- Backing Up Images to Harddrive (9:03)
- Creating a Catalog (1:37)
- Permissions and Unexpected Errors (3:36)
- Importing (6:20)
- Metadata and Keywords (3:46)
- Missing Photos and Folders (4:38)
- Navigation Panel (4:43)
- Viewing Your Catalog (4:13)
- Flags, Stars, Filters (7:32)
Contact us at [email protected]